The Basa Village Foundation USA Inc. has opened a GoFundMe account as a way for those who would like to respond to the pressing needs in Nepal due to the earthquakes in April & May 2015. We have a sister foundation with HQ in Katmandu, Basa Village Foundation Nepal NGO, which is in charge of distribution of funds raised for purchase of needed goods and services. Our main contact in Nepal, Niru Rai, Chairman of BVF-Nepal reports that Basa village has suffered catastrophic damage.

We are prudent in how funds are distributed and remain true to our corporate principles of culturally sensitive development in partnership with the local people who will do all the work for re-building and construction without compensation and own the results of our financial contributions.

As of October 2015 we have transferred $40,000 to the account of the Basa Foundation NGO in Katmandu. Nirus team will use these funds to purchase rebuilding materials for residents of Basa and other nearby villages. We also released funds for the purchase of a brick making machine in the amount of $2,000 to go to the New Hope Foundation hospice & womens shelter to help with rebuilding its facility. We received an earmarked donation from fundraisers by our friend, Mary Shuller, of $4,061 for rebuilding the village of Ramati Nepal by the Hope and Peace Foundation. Per approval of our Board, that same amount has been released to contribute to the rebuilding project in Ramati.